Lucille Westfall Keifer was born in Massachusetts right around the time of the Perfect Storm. She grew up in Malibu, California, surrounded by every form of art imaginable. With her mother a fine artist and her father an industrial designer, Lucille and her two sisters have been painting and drawing ever since they could hold a brush.

Lucille studied art in Oxford, England over the summer of 2006, an experience that inspired her Oxford series. She has “a slightly scary-long” list of awards and prizes she’s won, the most recent being the national Congressional Art Competition.

Lucille is currently a senior at exclusive Idyllwild Arts Academy, where she loves going to school with people all over the world. “I have friends from Prague and Afghanistan,” she says “They have the most interesting opinions.” She is looking forward to deciding which college to go to in the fall.

Lucille loves reading and has a soft spot for comic books, especially Batman comic books. “I love anything that combines words and drawing - they’re my two loves and I can’t quite seem to pick,” she says, “I hope that one day I’ll be making my living doing art that perfectly fuses both.”